Mal wieder John und Mary

Von Kristin Kopf

Ein Lesetipp: An Intro­duc­tion to Clas­si­cal Gen­er­a­tive Psychology

[…] Chom­sky defines the mind as the “set of well-formed thoughts” (1957z:3984) and then goes on to stip­u­late a com­plex deriva­tion­al sys­tem which allows us to gen­er­ate all the indi­vid­u­als in our cell phone reg­is­ter by a finite-state automa­ton, from a sin­gle under­ly­ing rep­re­sen­ta­tion. His two most famous exam­ples are:

(a) [John loves Mary.]
(b) [John hates Mary.]

Chom­sky claims that the sen­tences (a‑b) are derived from the sin­gle under­ly­ing rep­re­sen­ta­tion /John loves Mary./ by a num­ber of extrin­si­cal­ly ordered mood-trans­for­ma­tion rules. He argues that John has to m‑command Mary in order to cre­ate an emo­tion­al link and then in the case of (a) Mary can move up to John’s pad for a brief merge. […]”

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